
Population characteristics dataset


Population characteristics of the Human Phenotype Project study participants.


Population characteristics of the Human Phenotype Project include basic information about the participants regarding sex, living area, visits to the clinical testing center, and communication status.

Measurement protocol

Upon registration to the Human Phenotype Project, people are assigned with a registration code, which is their ID in the study and provide a telephone number and email by which all communications are conducted. Participants are asked about their date of birth and their sex, and are asked to schedule a visit to the assessment center.

Personal and communication data is saved separately in a secure environment from the population characteristics information, which is saved with the participant designated ID.

Data availability

* population.parquet - contains sex, month and year of birth per participant

Data dictionary

field_string description_string folder_id feature_set field_type strata data_coding array pandas_dtype bulk_file_extension relative_location units bulk_dictionary sampling_rate transformation list_of_tags stability sexed debut completed
month_of_birth Month of birth Month of birth 1 population Categorical (single) Primary 042_03 Single category NaN population/population.parquet NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2019-01-01 NaN
year_of_birth Year of birth Year of birth 1 population Integer Primary NaN Single int NaN population/population.parquet NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2019-01-01 NaN
sex Sex Sex 1 population Categorical (single) Primary 9 Single category NaN population/population.parquet NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2019-01-01 NaN
study_id Study ID The study identifier 1 population Categorical (single) Auxiliary 000_01 Single category NaN population/population.parquet NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2019-01-01 NaN