graph LR; D[DNA extraction] -->|sequencing| F(FASTQ) -->|alignment| B(BAM) -->|imputation| V(VCF) H[REFERENCE HAPLOTYPES] -->|imputation| V -->|"sample<br>aggregation"| R(BED<br>raw) -->|QC| Q(BED<br>post-qc) Q --> PCA(PCA) Q --> IBS(PLINK IBS<br>relationships) Q --> KING(KING<br>relationships)
Human genetics
The Human Phenotype Project collects genomic variation data on all its participants. The genomic data together with the Human Phenotype Project deep-phenotypes allows to investigate the progression of disease, and to explore personalized treatments. We genotype millions of positions by low-pass sequencing combined with imputation using gencove platform technologies. Genotype imputation is a process of statistically inferring unobserved genotypes using known haplotypes in a population. The performance of Gencove genotype imputation is very high ( accuracy > 98% ) (Wasik et al. 2021).
Genomic variation refers to DNA sequence differences between individuals. Some genetic variants can influence biological function (such as a mutation that causes a genetic disease), while others have no known effects. The genomic data together with the Human Phenotype Project rich variety of phenotypic data enables investigation of how genetics impact the progression of disease, and exploration of personalized prevention strategies and treatments.
The Human Phenotype Project uses low-pass sequencing combined with imputation to obtain genomic variation, using genocve platform technologies. We do not target specific regions by sequencing, but rather sample the entire genome with low average depth of coverage, and impute the sequence data to the haplotype reference panel which includes a large set of known genetic variants. Briefly, the model approach is to identify haplotypes shared between a study sample and a reference panel based on the study sample observed genotypes. Next, the unobserved genotypes are extrapolated according to the large reference data as illustrated in Figure 1. Imputation is performed for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short insertion–deletion variants (indels), structural variation are currently not included. The overall accuracy of gencove imputed genotypes is 98.22% (Wasik et al. 2021). We also validated the accuracy of the imputation using two hundred Human Phenotype Project participants from several ancestries which had both low-pass sequencing done and Illumina genotyping array data. We obtained high concordance rates, greater than 96%.
Figure 1: taken from Li et al. 2013. Panel A illustrates the observed data which consists of genotypes at a modest number of genetic markers in each sample being studied and of detailed information on genotypes (or haplotypes) for a reference sample. Panel B illustrates the process of identifying regions of chromosomes shared between a study sample and individuals in the reference panel. In Panel C, observed genotypes and haplotype sharing information have been combined to fill in a series of unobserved genotypes in the study sample.*
Measurement protocol
Genotyping Procedure
DNA is collected from Human Phenotype Project participants using a buccal swab during their baseline visit. DNA is collected only once as germline DNA is considered constant. The buccal swabs are shipped to Gencove laboratories. The entire sequencing and genotyping workflow is performed by Gencove technologies. The Detailed information about the Gencove algorithms and quality control protocols are available in Wasik et al. 2021, we briefly describe the key steps here.
Gencove’s workflow contains three steps: DNA extraction and library preparation, low-pass whole genome sequencing, and imputation analysis. Sequencing is performed at Neogen GeneSeek Laboratories using Illumina Novaseq at low-pass, targeting coverage levels of 0.5× and 1×. Whole-genome coverage is defined as the number of mapped DNA bases divided by the size of the genome (∼3 billion base pairs). We perform paired-end sequencing at length of 150-bp resulting in two FASTQ files (R1 and R2). Sequencing at paired-end mode significantly improves alignment to the genome. Next, the FASTQ files are aligned to the hs37-1kg reference genome, resulting in a BAM (Binary Alignment Map) file. In the sequence alignment procedure the DNA reads are mapped (in-pair) to the human genome reference sequence by similarity between the sequences. Lastly, loimpute-v0.1.0, Gencove’s imputation procedure, is used over the aligned reads. Imputation is done for the autosomal chromosomes (1-22) using The 1000 Genomes phase 3 haplotypes (1KGP3) as a reference panel, resulting in a VCF (Variant Call Format) file. The VCF contains the most likely genotype (GT) at 37,559,140 positions and their corresponding genotype probabilities (GP). Finally, Gencove employs quality control procedures to exclude samples with poor sequencing and genotyping results.
Data availability
The information is stored in a number of statistics parquet files:
- human_genetics.parquet
: sample metadata, including QC statistics, paths to PLINK variant files (raw and post-QC), and principal components (PCs).
- variants_qc.parquet
: variant QC statistics.
- relationship/relationship_ibs.txt
: IBS calculated by PLINK for pairs of participants.
- relationship/relationship_king.tsv
: King kinship coefficients for pairs of participants.
- pca/pca.parquet
: a PLINK file containing principal components.
- pca/pca_loadings.tsv
: a PLINK file containing principal component loadings calculated.
Relevant links
from pheno_utils import PhenoLoader
= PhenoLoader('human_genetics')
pl pl
PhenoLoader for human_genetics with
189 fields
3 tables: ['human_genetics', 'pca', 'age_sex']
Data dictionary
dict pl.
folder_id | feature_set | field_string | description_string | field_type | bulk_dictionary | bulk_file_extension | relative_location | data_coding | stability | units | sampling_rate | strata | sexed | array | completed | debut | transformation | list_of_tags | pandas_dtype | |
tabular_field_name | ||||||||||||||||||||
collection_date | 14 | human_genetics | Collection date | The date of downloading Gencove results from t... | Date | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Time | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | datetime64[ns] |
version | 14 | human_genetics | Gencove version | Gencove API version 1 or 2 | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
gencove_fastq_r1 | 14 | fastq_bam | R1_FASTQ | Per sample FASTQ file, a text file that contai... | Fastq file (individual) | NaN | R1.fastq.gz | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | string |
gencove_fastq_r2 | 14 | fastq_bam | R2_FASTQ | Per sample FASTQ file, a text file that contai... | Fastq file (individual) | NaN | R2.fastq.gz | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | string |
gencove_bam | 14 | fastq_bam | BAM | Per sample Binary Alignment Map (BAM) file for... | Bulk file (individual) | NaN | bam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | string |
gencove_bai | 14 | fastq_bam | BAM indices | Per sample indices for BAM file | Bulk file (individual) | NaN | bam.bai | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | string |
gencove_vcf | 14 | fastq_bam | Imputation Variant Call Format (VCF) | Per sample VCF, a text file storing imputed ge... | Bulk file (individual) | NaN | vcf.gz | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | string |
genecov_qc_bases | 14 | human_genetics | Bases sequenced | number of total bases sequenced. from genecov ... | Integer | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Count | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | int |
genecov_qc_bases_dedup | 14 | human_genetics | Deduplicated bases | number of deduplicated bases. from genecov qc ... | Integer | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Count | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | int |
gencove_qc_bases_dedup_mapped | 14 | human_genetics | Deduplicated bases aligned | number of deduplicated bases that have aligned... | Integer | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Count | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | int |
genecov_qc_effective_coverage | 14 | human_genetics | Effective coverage | effective coverage. from genecov qc file | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Precent | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
genecov_qc_fraction_contamination | 14 | human_genetics | DNA contamination | contamination by DNA from another sample of th... | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Precent | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
genecov_qc_snps | 14 | human_genetics | SNPs covered | number of variants in reference panel that are... | Integer | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Count | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | int |
genecov_qc_format_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed FASTQ format validity | Indicates proper formatting of the input FASTQ... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
genecov_qc_r1_eq_r2_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed paired-end count | Indicates number of bases in R1 file equal to ... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
genecov_qc_r1_r2_ids_match_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed paired-end match | Indicates R1 read identifiers match R2 read id... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
genecov_qc_bases_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed Bases sequenced | Indicates number of total bases sequenced grea... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
genecov_qc_bases_dedup_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed Deduplicated bases | Indicates number of deduplicated bases greater... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
genecov_qc_bases_dedup_mapped_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed Deduplicated bases aligned | Indicates number of deduplicated bases aligned... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
genecov_qc_effective_coverage_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed Effective coverage | Indicates effective coverage greater than 0. f... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
genecov_qc_fraction_contamination_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed DNA contamination | Indicates contamination by DNA less than 0.06.... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
genecov_qc_snps_passed | 14 | human_genetics | Passed SNPs covered | Indicates number of variants covered by at lea... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Auxiliary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | object |
heterozygosity_proportion | 14 | human_genetics | Heterozygosity proportion | Estimated heterozygosity proportion across a s... | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Precent | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pass_het_check | 14 | human_genetics | Passed Heterozygosity proportion | Indicates heterozygosity proportion is less th... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Supporting | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | bool |
sample_qc_gp_pass_rate | 14 | human_genetics | Genotype Probabilities pass rate | Proportion of genotypes with maximum GP greate... | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Precent | NaN | Supporting | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
sample_qc_gp_pass_check | 14 | human_genetics | Passed Genotype Probabilities | Indicates proportion of GP greater than 0.9 is... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Supporting | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | bool |
genetic_sex | 14 | human_genetics | DNA sex | Sex as determined by the percentage of read-al... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | int |
chr_x_proportion | 14 | human_genetics | Proportion of alignment to chromosome X | percentage of reads aligned to chromosome X | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Precent | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
chr_y_proportion | 14 | human_genetics | Proportion of alignment to chromosome Y | percentage of reads aligned to chromosome Y | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Precent | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
sample_qc_gender_match_check | 14 | human_genetics | Passed gender check | Indicates inferred_gender and submitted_gender... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Supporting | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | bool |
variants_qc_parquet | 14 | variants_qc | Variants QC report | QC report for each SNP | Bulk file (group) | NaN | parquet | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Supporting | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
relatives | 14 | relationship | Relatives based on IBD estimation | List of second and first degree relatives acco... | Text | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | string |
relationship_king_tsv | 14 | relationship | KING kingship file | KING kinship coefficient matrix for pairs of p... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | tsv | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
relationship_ibs_txt | 14 | relationship | PLINK IBS file | PLINK IBS coefficient matrix for paris of part... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | txt | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_1_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr1 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_1_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr1 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_1_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr1 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_2_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr2 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_2_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr2 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_2_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr2 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_3_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr3 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_3_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr3 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_3_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr3 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_4_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr4 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_4_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr4 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_4_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr4 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_5_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr5 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_5_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr5 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_5_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr5 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_6_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr6 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_6_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr6 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_6_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr6 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_7_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr7 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_7_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr7 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_7_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr7 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_8_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr8 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_8_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr8 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_8_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr8 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_9_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for chr9 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_9_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr9 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_9_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for chr9 | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_10_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_10_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr10 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_10_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_11_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_11_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr11 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_11_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_12_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_12_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr12 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_12_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_13_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_13_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr13 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_13_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_14_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_14_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr14 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_14_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_15_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_15_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr15 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_15_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_16_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_16_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr16 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_16_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_17_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_17_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr17 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_17_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_18_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_18_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr18 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_18_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_19_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_19_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr19 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_19_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_20_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_20_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr20 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_20_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_21_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_21_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr21 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_21_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_22_raw_bed | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BED file for the Raw genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_22_raw_fam | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK FAM file accompanying Raw .bed for chr22 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_22_raw_bim | 14 | genotypes_raw | PLINK BIM file for the Raw genotype data for c... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_1_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr1 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_1_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr1 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_1_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_2_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr2 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_2_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr2 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_2_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_3_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr3 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_3_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr3 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_3_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_4_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr4 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_4_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr4 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_4_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_5_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr5 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_5_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr5 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_5_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_6_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr6 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_6_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr6 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_6_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_7_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr7 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_7_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr7 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_7_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_8_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr8 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_8_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr8 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_8_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_9_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for chr9 | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_9_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr9 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_9_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_10_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_10_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr10 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_10_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_11_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_11_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr11 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_11_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_12_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_12_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr12 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_12_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_13_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_13_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr13 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_13_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_14_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_14_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr14 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_14_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_15_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_15_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr15 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_15_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_16_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_16_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr16 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_16_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_17_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_17_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr17 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_17_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_18_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_18_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr18 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_18_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_19_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_19_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr19 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_19_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_20_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_20_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr20 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_20_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_21_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_21_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr21 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_21_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_22_postqc_bed | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BED file for post QC genotype data for c... | Raw genotype calls (per chromosome) in binary ... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bed | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_22_postqc_fam | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK FAM file accompanying QC .bed for chr22 | PLINK sample information file accompanying a .... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | fam | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
chr_22_postqc_bim | 14 | genotypes_postqc | PLINK BIM file for the post QC genotype data f... | PLINK variant information file (per chromosome... | Bulk file (group) | NaN | bim | human_genetics/human_genetics.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |
pc1 | 14 | pca | Principal component 1 | Score for projected principal component 1 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc2 | 14 | pca | Principal component 2 | Score for projected principal component 2 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc3 | 14 | pca | Principal component 3 | Score for projected principal component 3 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc4 | 14 | pca | Principal component 4 | Score for projected principal component 4 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc5 | 14 | pca | Principal component 5 | Score for projected principal component 5 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc6 | 14 | pca | Principal component 6 | Score for projected principal component 6 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc7 | 14 | pca | Principal component 7 | Score for projected principal component 7 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc8 | 14 | pca | Principal component 8 | Score for projected principal component 8 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc9 | 14 | pca | Principal component 9 | Score for projected principal component 9 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc10 | 14 | pca | Principal component 10 | Score for projected principal component 10 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc11 | 14 | pca | Principal component 11 | Score for projected principal component 11 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc12 | 14 | pca | Principal component 12 | Score for projected principal component 12 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc13 | 14 | pca | Principal component 13 | Score for projected principal component 13 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc14 | 14 | pca | Principal component 14 | Score for projected principal component 14 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc15 | 14 | pca | Principal component 15 | Score for projected principal component 15 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc16 | 14 | pca | Principal component 16 | Score for projected principal component 16 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc17 | 14 | pca | Principal component 17 | Score for projected principal component 17 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc18 | 14 | pca | Principal component 18 | Score for projected principal component 18 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc19 | 14 | pca | Principal component 19 | Score for projected principal component 19 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
pc20 | 14 | pca | Principal component 20 | Score for projected principal component 20 | Continuous | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | NaN | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | float |
used_in_pca_calculation | 14 | pca | Included in principal component analysis | Indicates samples was in the input for princip... | Categorical (single) | NaN | NaN | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Boolean | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | bool |
pca_loadings_tsv | 14 | pca | Principal component loading file | Principal component loading file | Bulk file (group) | NaN | tsv | human_genetics/pca/pca.parquet | NaN | Accruing | Text | NaN | Primary | Both sexes | Single | NaN | NaN | NaN | Human Genetics | category |