
Hand grip strength dataset


Hand grip strength (HGS) is an effective marker of general health in middle age and older adulthood. Grip strength is measured by squeezing a type of muscle strength testing equipment, known as a dynamometer.


HGS is a measure of the maximum force that an individual can exert with their hand. It is a widely used measure of muscular strength. HGS is an easy and quick measure to obtain.

In a clinical setting, HGS is often used as a measure to assess changes in muscle strength over time. For example, in patients with conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or sarcopenia. Additionally, HGS can be used to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, such as those used to recover from a stroke or from other neurological conditions.

HGS is also used in research studies to investigate the relationship between muscle strength and various health outcomes, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), respiratory function, and mortality. Studies have shown that low HGS is associated with increased risk of these and other health conditions, highlighting the importance of this measure in identifying individuals at risk for these conditions. Low HGS can be a warning sign of frailty, especially in older adults, as well as muscle wasting and weakness. Based on this, HGS can be used as a simple, non-invasive, and inexpensive method to predict physical frailty and disability.

Measurement protocol

HGS is measured using a Jamar Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer (see figure below). The measurement is a measure of the static force (without movement) that the hand can exert when squeezing around the dynamometer. The measurement is recorded in pounds initially, and then converted to kilograms.

image alt

The participant is asked to sit upright in a chair with the arm bent at a 90° angle so that their forearm is pointing forward, with their thumb uppermost. The participant is asked to hold the device first in their dominant hand and adjust the handle of the dynamometer as necessary, ensuring the base rests on the first metacarpal and the handle on the middle of the four fingers. The participant is asked to squeeze the handle of the dynamometer for at least 3 seconds. The results are manually recorded, and then the measurement is repeated for the non-dominant hand.

Data availability

The information is stored in 1 parquet file: hand_grip.parquet

Data dictionary

field_string description_string folder_id feature_set field_type strata data_coding array pandas_dtype bulk_file_extension relative_location units bulk_dictionary sampling_rate transformation list_of_tags stability sexed debut completed
collection_date Collection date (YYYY-MM-DD) Collection date (YYYY-MM-DD) 6 hand_grip Date Collection time NaN Single datetime64[ns] NaN hand_grip/hand_grip.parquet Time NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2018-10-18 NaN
collection_timestamp Collection timestamp Collection timestamp 6 hand_grip Datetime Collection time NaN Single datetime64[ns, Asia/Jerusalem] NaN hand_grip/hand_grip.parquet Time NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2018-10-18 2019-11-13
finger_grip_strength_left Finger grip strength (left) Finger grip strength (left) 6 hand_grip Continuous Primary NaN Single float NaN hand_grip/hand_grip.parquet kg NaN NaN NaN NaN Complete Both sexes 2018-10-18 2019-11-13
finger_grip_strength_right Finger grip strength (right) Finger grip strength (right) 6 hand_grip Continuous Primary NaN Single float NaN hand_grip/hand_grip.parquet kg NaN NaN NaN NaN Complete Both sexes 2018-10-18 NaN
dominant_hand Dominant hand Hand preference for fine motor tasks 6 hand_grip Categorical (single) Primary 007_01 Single category NaN hand_grip/hand_grip.parquet NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2018-10-18 NaN
hand_grip_strength_left Hand grip strength (left) Hand grip strength (left) 6 hand_grip Continuous Primary NaN Single float NaN hand_grip/hand_grip.parquet kg NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2018-10-18 NaN
hand_grip_strength_right Hand grip strength (right) Hand grip strength (right) 6 hand_grip Continuous Primary NaN Single float NaN hand_grip/hand_grip.parquet kg NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2018-10-18 NaN
timezone Timezone Timezone 6 hand_grip Categorical (single) Collection time NaN Single string NaN hand_grip/hand_grip.parquet NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Accruing Both sexes 2018-10-18 NaN

Plot histogram and ecdf for hand_grip_strength_left at baseline visit

from pheno_utils.basic_plots import hist_ecdf_plots

col = "hand_grip_strength_left"
df = pl[[col] + ["age", "sex", "collection_date"]].loc[:,:,"00_00_visit",0,:]

# plot histogram and ecdf
hist_ecdf_plots(df.dropna(subset=[col,"sex", "age"]), col, gender_col="sex")

# stats

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
hand_grip_strength_left 10336.0 34.177962 11.432727 2.358683 25.083688 31.638105 43.091326 79.061244