Datasets Description
- Population - Year of birth, month of birth, sex, study ID.
- Events - Birth month/year, age at research stage, sex, follow-up information, visit dates, and locations.
- Anthropometrics - Individual body measurement records.
- Fundus - Image files, segmented images of vessels, veins, arteries, and summary statistics.
- Liver Ultrasound - Derived measures such as viscosity and elasticity, auxiliary data, and aggregated data.
- Diet Logging - Food logging per participant, including all macronutrients.
- Hand Grip - Hand and finger grip strength measurements.
- Blood Pressure - Blood pressure measurements.
- Serum Lipidomics - Lipid annotations from blood tests.
- Sleep - Sleep staging, body positioning, respiratory events, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and snoring.
- Vascular Health - ABI and PWV measurements.
- Body Composition - Measurements of fat and lean mass, VAT/SAT area, mass, and volume.
- Carotid Ultrasound - Intima Media Thickness measurements.
- Gut Microbiome - Gut microbiome sequencing and QC statistics, Segal Lab relative abundance, MetaPhlAn 4 relative abundances.
- Human Genetics - Sample metadata, QC statistics, principal components and principal component loadings calculated, IBS calculated by PLINK for pairs of participants, King kinship coefficients for pairs of participants.
- ECG - ECG waveform signal, machine-generated tabular features.
- Blood Tests - Participant’s blood tests.
- CGM - Temporal glucose measures, summary and daily summary features.
- Medications - Consumed medications for each participant.
- Medical Conditions - Binary information on medical conditions per participant.
- Bone Density - Measurements of mineral content, age, and sex-normalized values.
- UKBB Questionnaire - Adapted UK Biobank questionnaire.
- UKBB Follow-up Questionnaire - Short version of the UKBB survey.
- IBS Questionnaire - Adapted UK Biobank GI health questionnaire.
- COVID Questionnaire - Questions on COVID-19 vaccinations and diagnosis.